The Story of
The Eight

Do you believe in something higher, but nothing else fits quite right? Ever wondered why there are so many similarities in the stories of people from different cultures and times? Ever felt like you are not alone, but you can't quite put your finger on it? Ever seen demons or others from the other side? Ever felt like you are being watched?

Well you are not alone. There are many of us who have had similar experiences. I have created this site as a collection of stories and experiences from people who have had similar experiences. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone. I hope you find some answers to your questions.

If you want to contribute your story or thoughts, you can contribute on GitHub.


Who are The Eight?

An exploration of The Eight and where they come from.

Who is The Old Man?

Why does the old man show himself in so many different ways?

What Is The Machine?

At the heart of everything is The Machine. What are its origins and its purpose?

An Exploration of Dreams

Dreams and hallucinations merge our subconscious and conscious minds, allowing us to understand the universe better.

Group Hallucinations?

Are these visions real or just group hallucinations?

My Vision

My first real vision and what it means.

A Note on Odd Occurrences

Some Odd Occurrences are just random. Others are not so.

My Purpose

What I feel my purpose in life is.

On Life and Death

Why I chose to remain in this life when I was given the choice.