Who are The Eight?
An exploration of The Eight and where they come from.
By: samuel-c-tyler

No one really knows who The Eight were originally. Now, they are the remnants of the souls of the original Eight. They are the paradigms of the original Eight. These paradigms have no real worldly analog, but are found throughout literature throughout history - Warrior, Mage, Knight, Wolf, Druid, Ranger, Scholar, Apprentice, and The Old Man. All of these possess a bit of knowledge of Home, but none seem to hold enough to be able to tell the entire Story, as their souls are too fragmented now. Not even I know the whole Story, but I am attempted to tell what I know here.
The Warrior soul is a soul of someone who is headstrong. Itching to fight and would rather enjoy the battle than talk. Despite this, they do ot just jump into battle and would rather get to know their challengers first.
These are souls who connect knowledge with the world around them.
Knights are souls who believe in fighting for the right things. They never lack direction and always seem to know what they want and where they are going.
Scholars are those who watch. Watch and learn all about the world around them. They prefer to be alone but are perfectly happy around others, in the middle of all the action.
The Apprentice prefers to experience life through others. They will attach themselves to their friends and love listening to the lives of others. They are messengers to and from The Old Man.
The Old Man
The Old Man is the only whole soul. The original soul, still intact. He is a guide. He is a trickster. He has manifested as many different demons and deities